Studies have shown that drinking red wine can be beneficial for an individual's health. These health benefits come from an antioxidant called resveratrol that comes from the skin of red grapes. Antioxidants like resveratrol are believed to promote good health, can have anti-aging effects, and help build a healthy heart. However, that is not all red wine is believed to do for personal health. Some scientists believe it also reduces personal risk for ovarian cancer, stroke and kidney stones and can also reduce the risk for heart disease because it contains an element that helps reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol that your body produces. Some studies point to the country of France as a good example - wine is very popular there and the country also has a low incidence of heart attacks.
Further, new research is also suggesting that white wine may be beneficial to individual health. Consuming red and/or white wines has now been linked to increased life expectancy - in some cases by as much as 5 years. These studies have only linked wine to these health benefits, however. There is no research to suggest that drinking beer or hard alcohol on a regular basis can be beneficial to personal health.
When incorporated with a balanced and healthy diet, drinking wine in moderation will benefit your health. They key word there is moderation. Most men should limit themselves to no more than two glasses of wine every day and women should stop after one glass. (a glass of wine is defined as about 5 ounces). Notice how this is not an "average" of one to two glasses a day. Do not think you can drink 10 glasses of wine in one day and avoid it for the rest of the week and have everything even out over time. That is not how it works. The health benefits are eliminated if and when you consume more than you should.
You should also try to remain alcohol free for a few days every week. Drinking occasionally, in moderation, might be "good" for you, but you should avoid drinking every day "for the sake of your health." This can lead to other dangers, such as alcoholism, and can create problems with drinking and driving, which is never a good idea.
Also be aware that a regular drink or two can become a problem. The people that stagger out of bars and stumble home every night are not the only ones with drinking problems. While having a drink or two in the evenings can be good for your health, you also need to be sure that you do not overdo things. Drinking every night, even in moderation, can create dependency problems in some people and can lead to more alcohol consumption (more than 1 or 2 drinks) very easily. Being intoxicated can lead to things like drunk driving, DUI arrests, and other problems that may lead to a need for a DUI lawyer. Additionally, be aware that you can be arrested for driving while impaired in some places, even if you are under the legal limit, which also requires a DUI attorney for assistance with the case. So, if you do decide to take advantage of the health benefits that can be obtained from drinking red and white wine, make sure you do so responsible.
The Dangers of Drinking Every Day
Colin Daives writes general information articles about a number of legal topics that range from personal injury and civil rights to criminal law and DUI cases. Each state has different laws and every case is unique. His articles are not meant to be legal advice. To learn more or for assistance with your case in the state of Colorado, contact a Denver DUI lawyer or a Denver injury attorney today.
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