Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Health Benefits of Drinking Alcohol

The benefits of alcohol consumption have long been known. The Bible refers to alcohol's medicinal properties no less than 191 times. Alcohol is beneficial in controlling the following conditions: hypertension or high blood pressure, peripheral artery disease, angina pectoris, liver disease, hepatitis A, pancreatic cancer, duodenal ulcer, gallstones, kidney stones, digestive ailments, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, bone fractures, hearing loss, macular degeneration, poor cognition and memory, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, stress and depression, and erectile dysfunction.

Even more significantly, innumerable studies have proven beyond any doubt that alcohol consumption leads to a decrease in the rate of heart attacks and strokes. The results of studies conducted on hundreds of thousands of men and women from several countries and continents have consistently shown that alcohol consumption reduces death from heart disease and a host of other ailments.

Huh?!! So why does alcohol consumption keep getting such bad press?

Health Benefits of Drinking Alcohol

Well, it's not the alcohol that's to blame, but the consumer of it. For these beneficial effects to take effect, the key is for the alcohol to be taken in MODERATE doses.

Ahhh!! There's the rub.

Alcohol consumption has wondrous effects if, and only if, the consumption is MODERATE. Listen to just a minuscule portion of the findings.

* The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reports that moderate drinkers have the greatest longevity. Moderate drinking results in a sharp decrease in heart disease risk (40%-60%). (This is a pretty major effect considering that cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the United States, responsible for one million deaths in America each year.)

* A study of 12,000 male physicians done in the U.K. over a 13-year period found that moderate drinkers had the lowest risk of death from ALL causes.

* The Italians did a study of 1,536 men aged 45 to 65. The study found that the moderate drinkers among them gained about 2 years of life compared to occasional and heavy drinkers.

* China also did a large-scale study of middle aged men. It too found that those who drank moderately had a nearly 20% lower mortality rate compared to men who abstained from drink.

The studies are not confined to male subjects. Alcohol does not discriminate between the sexes.

* The Harvard Nurses study of over 85,000 women reported reduced mortality among the moderate drinkers.

* Harvard researchers did a study of over 5,000 women with type 2 diabetes. The moderate drinkers among them had significantly lower heart disease rates than those who didn't drink. In fact, the women who drank about half a glass of alcohol a day reduced their risk from coronary heart disease by more than half.

And the list goes on. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism did an extensive review of recent research from over 20 countries and the findings were quite consistent. Moderate drinkers live longer than those who either abstain from alcohol or who drink heavily. This is largely due to a decrease in diseases such as coronary heart disease, respiratory disease, and cancer. Moderate drinkers enjoy better health than abstainers or heavy drinkers. It's been found that abstainers have double the risk of stroke as moderate drinkers.

Okay. So what's considered moderate drinking?

Different countries have different standards. But generally, for non-pregnant women, it's one to two drinks a day, for men it's two to three drinks.

Now, what constitutes a drink?

A medium glass of wine, a can of beer or a .5 ounce shot of whiskey or other spirit generally have the same amount of pure alcohol in them and would be considered as a drink or one alcoholic unit.

Many of the beneficial effects of moderate drinking reverse if a person drinks too much. The amount is a key factor but so is consistency and regularity. Five drinks in one night do not equal - and produce a totally opposite effect from - five drinks spread out over five nights.

So take heed. Moderation and consistency are key to getting the health benefits that alcohol offers.

Health Benefits of Drinking Alcohol

E. Avila has been writing articles for 30 years. Her experience with substance abuse in her life and the lives of loved ones around her and her victory over the sickness has made helping others overcome substance abuse an advocacy. If you would like to free yourself from a dependence on alcohol or just decrease your drinking to safer levels, visit http://drinkingsensibly.blogspot.com/ .

Monday, March 25, 2013

Make Your Restaurant Boom - Organizational Tips For a Successful Business

According to the most recent food expenditure data from the United States Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service, spending on food and alcohol in restaurants across the nation was approximately 5 million in 2008. With spending like this, it is no surprise people who possess an entrepreneurial spirit often desire to own and operate a restaurant in order to reap the benefits of not only food but also beer, wine, and liquor consumption. However, before profits can flow, there are various factors the new restaurant owner must consider to make the watering hole a success.

"Americans enjoy eating out, and the pace of development of the modern lifestyle indicates that they will continue to eat out more in the future," said Douglas Brown, author of the best-selling The Restaurant Manager's Handbook. "...Four out of five consumers agree that going out to a restaurant is a better way to use their leisure time than cooking and cleaning up."

One of the most important tasks to prep your restaurant for success is to survey the existing bar environment where your business is located.

Make Your Restaurant Boom - Organizational Tips For a Successful Business

According to Valerie Mellema, professional bartender and author of The Professional Bartender's Handbook, an effective way to research location must-haves for your restaurant is to talk with others in the area to find out about their typical clientele and what types of food and alcohol are popular. For example, in Florida, Land Shark beer is a local favorite, but in Pennsylvania, Yuengling is a staple of any flourishing establishment.

"If certain types of beer are popular, be sure to offer these beers by the bottle and on draft," Mellema said. "For a large after-work martini crowd, stock the bar with a variety of vodkas and gins, along with the usual liquors."

Creating something to be accommodating, comfortable, and entertaining is one of the initial steps of any successful bar or restaurant business - a well-organized establishment with visible stock will not only attract guests, but will also make the ordering process flow. Optimal bar organization can be achieved through the following steps:

1. Install proper refrigeration. Refrigeration is essential for a bar because many drinks require refrigerated mixers, garnishes, and even eggs.

2. Furnish your bar with an appropriate amount of cabinets and sinks. Cabinets should be easily accessible and should contain alcohol and extra necessities, like straws and napkins. Cleaning supplies are essential and there should also be a hand washing sink, a triple sink setup, and an all-purpose sink.

3. Keep a variety of drink-specific glasses in stock. Most guests will be impressed if specialized glasses are used. Various glass types included wine glasses, pints, beer mugs, highballs, cocktail glasses, martini, and rocks glasses. Back-ups of glassware should also be stored somewhere easily accessible.

4. Set up an accommodating bar top. Bar mats for jiggers and mixing glasses, as well as holders for napkins and straws, are essential. Bartenders will appreciate a mixing area with a grate and drain so the excess liquor and mixers will easily drain.

5. Supply necessary liquors. These include: Brandy, Cognac, Gin, Light Rum, Anejo Rum, Blended Scotch, Whiskey (Blended or Irish), Canadian Whiskey, White Tequila, Gold Tequila,,Vodka, Citrus Vodka, Bourbon.

6. Include a variety of cordials. Cordials can be used as mixers, after dinner drinks, or as floaters. Popular cordials include, Amaretto, Contra or Triple Sec, Crème de Cassis, Grand Marnier, Crème de Cacao (White & Dark), Kahlua, Sambuca (White), Crème de Menthe (White & Green), Bailey's Irish Cream, B & B, Curacao (White & Blue), Chambord, Frangelico, Schnapps (Peach & Peppermint), Tuaca, Melon Liqueur, Southern Comfort, Tia Maria.

7. Include wells in bar construction. Wells, which allow frequently used liquors and liqueurs to be easily accessed, are a necessity in public bars.

8. Include a plethora of beers. Make sure to have different types of beer like lagers, ales, porters, and stouts available in draft and bottles.

9. Make beer kegs and taps easily accessible for staff. Beer taps should be located in an area that allows bartenders to easily access the kegs. Kegs are very heavy, but the staff should be able to change them out on their own. Once empty, kegs can usually be returned to the vendor for refilling.

10. Be knowledgeable about storing wine. Reds should not be stored

in the refrigerator, nor should they be stored in an area that will expose them to light. White wine should be stored in a temperature-controlled refrigerator. Necessary wines include: Red Wine, Blush Wine, Sherry (Cream & Dry), Port (Tawny & Ruby), Vermouth (Sweet & Dry), Rose Wine.

11. Use popular brand names when setting up a bar. Guests will request specific liquors and will be impressed if they are available. To make ordering easy, determine how much of each different type of liquor is sold. These numbers are used so there is not an excess of inventory and everything will be fresh. Always keep at least one back-up bottle of every liquor.

12. Stock up on required mixers, garnishes and other Necessities: Cocktails should have the appropriate mixers and garnishes. Most guests look forward to eating the olives in their martinis or the cherries in their Amaretto Sours. Examples of garnish necessities include Ginger Ale, Grenadine, various types of juice, lemon-lime soda, lime and lemon wedges, pineapple, cocktail onions, fresh mint, Old Bay seasoning, salt and pepper, sugar, whipped cream.

13. Determine the tools and equipment needed to run a bar. There are various tools necessary in a bar. Some tools are necessary for making specific types of drinks, while others are used in many different drink recipes. Examples include a long bar spoon, a covered cocktail shaker, wine keys, muddlers for making drinks like a mojito, and jiggers for measuring out cocktails.

14. Create an inviting atmosphere. Having a bar setup that guests will enjoy is important. Many small bars do not look like much, but the servers and bartenders are friendly, therefore, the atmosphere and the staff of a bar will essentially make it or break it. Effective ways to create a fun atmosphere include plenty of bar top space, televisions, and jukeboxes, as well as games like darts or pool.

Make Your Restaurant Boom - Organizational Tips For a Successful Business

Atlantic Publishing Group Inc. is your No. 1 source for nonfiction books. We publish nonfiction books, focusing on small business, management, online media, and real estate, as well as parenting, cooking, and traveling. For more information about The Restaurant Manager's Handbook and The Professional Bartender's Handbook, visit the Atlantic Publishing Group Web site visit Atlantic Publishing Group.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cognac Glasses - Do They Really Enhance the Drinking Experience?

There are many different types of brandy and cognac glasses and available to purchase. But does the shape of a glass really do anything to improve the tasting sensation when you actually sip your cognac? Or is it just a ploy by clever marketers to encourage us to spend our hard earned cash?

Well, depending on how you drink your cognac, then yes - there certainly is a reason as to the choice of glass that's best suited for your drink. Of course, if you're enjoying a cognac cocktail then it's likely to be served in a long glass or perhaps a martini glass. But for those who like to sip their cognac pure and unadulterated, or perhaps on the rocks, then using the right type of glass will certainly enhance the taste experience.

The two types of cognac glass you might have heard of are the snifter, or balloon shaped glass with a short stem, along with the long stemmed tulip shaped glass that is often the preferred choice of the cognac connoisseur.

Cognac Glasses - Do They Really Enhance the Drinking Experience?

The reasoning behind drinking neat cognac from a glass shaped such as these is that the glass allows the aroma (or nose) of the cognac to be captured inside and directed upwards towards the nose of the drinker. That way you not only involve your taste buds, but your sense of smell is also brought into play, so doubling the effect on your senses and so doubling your enjoyment of the drink. The tulip shaped glasses tend to have a slightly flared rim, allowing the heady aromas of the cognac a chance to breathe, so freeing the taste even more effectively. And today you can enjoy cognac from the most modern of glasses, with some of the world's top glass makers producing beautiful cognac glasses with a modern twist. This means that not only do you get the best cognac tasting experience, but that they also look pretty handsome sat on your dinner table as well.

One of the most popular Cognac Glasses is the Riedel Cognac und Brandy glasses - Riedel is one of the oldest family-run glass manufacturing companies in the world. Their beautiful crystal covers all drinks imaginable and their design is developed to suit the characteristic of every drink. Whether you're drinking wine, whiskey or cognac, Riedel will offer you a broad range of glasses to choose from. The tulip glass by Riedel for cognac is an elegantly shaped, heavy glass that makes drinking cognac even more enjoyable.

Cognac Glasses - Do They Really Enhance the Drinking Experience?

Author's suggestion: A blog which discusses this topic in detail is the blog http://www.cognac-glasses.com

Alexandre Dickson is co-author of Cognac Expert.com and Cognac enthusiast directly from the Charente in France. On his Cognac Blog he's writing almost daily about new cognac, upcoming brands like the "Conjure Cognac" promoted by rapper Ludacris. Introduced successfully in 2010!

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Black Shiraz

Berton Vineyards are a family owned and run winery in the heart of the Riverina growing area in Australia. The team is small but very powerful and is fronted by Bob Berton the winemaker with his colleague Paul Bartholomeus. They have lovingly created a selection of fantastic wines which include The Black Shiraz, this is an espresso of a wine coming in at 15% alcohol. The great thing about this wine and its sister wine, The Head Over Heels Black Shiraz, is that although high in alcohol, it does not give you the usual alcohol burn that is often associated with high strength Shiraz wines.

Established by Bob & Cherie Berton in May 1996 with 75 acres. The heart of Berton Vineyards is their own personal plot in a sub-region of Eden Valley in South Australia. This idyllic property sits at 450m above sea level on gently rolling hills - except for the Chardonnay block which is anything but gentle!!

The first vines were planted in that spring - ten acres of Shiraz and seven acres of Chardonnay - but without any permanent water. It was not until 1998, after the new dam was filled, that the vines finally had a decent drink!!!
With all this, the vines struggled through their impressionable years. Lots of love and attention, but the lack of water really retarded their growth, so much so that a Swedish friend jokingly told them that they had planted a bonsai vineyard....the name stuck and later became the name of their premium Shiraz. With the good rainfall in High Eden, the vines are in great condition these days, but they still remember the early days every time they open a bottle of the Bonsai.

The Black Shiraz

After the dam was full they were able to follow on and plant Cabernet Sauvignon and lastly some Sauvignon Blanc. The Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc are now growing happily amongst big white rocks on ancient podsolic soils - which really makes driving trellis posts interesting, but that's another story!!!!


Grapes: 100% Shiraz
Region: South Australia
Taste: Intense colour, huge palate and high in alcohol, it displays vanilla, ripe plums and black cherries on the nose. The palate shows intense berry and rich fruit cake characters underpinned by layers of coffee and toasty oak that carry through to a lovely soft finish. A big wine at a mere 14.5% alcohol!

Serve: The perfect choice for rich, spicy -especially peppery- dishes. Steak au poivre, full flavoured game casseroles, beef sausages and Chilli con Carne are all great food matches. Ethnic dishes such as Shami kebab, Szechuan beef and Teriyaki dishes all work well. Also perfect with strong cheeses or simply enjoy anytime!

The Black Shiraz

This fantastic wine is available at http://www.wineman.co.uk from Kevin O'Rourke Wines

Kevin O'Rourke is an independent wine merchant based in Milton Keynes, England. He has worked in the drinks industry for his entire life having been dragged up in hotels and pubs. He continues to retail wine through organised tastings and through his website http://www.wineman.co.uk where he helps many people to find their ideal wine.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Establishing the Law During the California Gold Rush

During the early days of the gold rush, the pioneer miners were forced to establish and form their own laws. Up in the mining camps there were no courts, and many of the soldiers who were sent to keep the peace in California in the earliest days after the US took possession of the land, simply deserted their ranks and headed for the gold fields to seek their fortune. A consideration of the simple processes and laws they established with the quick acting justice they distributed makes for an interesting contrast with the plodding, bloated, political and exorbitantly expensive justice system we operate today.

The mining laws of the California gold fields, as was the case in all the various diggings throughout the mining region, were made at official group meetings of the miners held for that specific purpose. Because of this the requirements did vary significantly from district to district. Unlike so many modern laws, they were not designed by hungry lawyers seeking to pad their wallets, and were generally very few and simple. These basic standards defined how many feet of ground one man was entitled to hold in a ravine how much up on the bank, and in the bed of the creek; how many of these claims he could hold at a time; and how long he could absent himself from his claim without forfeiting it. This was the case because a man was expected to work his claim each day. If he left the area permanently, his claims were considered abandoned. In many areas, a digging tool like a pick, left in the hole was all that was necessary to secure ones spot against other claimants. The rules also declared what was necessary to be done in taking up and securing a claim which, for want of water, or from any other cause, could not be worked at the time. They also provided for various special contingencies incidental to the peculiar nature of those diggings. Each miner had one vote and acted as his own legislator. It was a plain and simple democracy unequalled since the days of the Athenian Greeks.

Of course, like all laws and regulations, at times they required some revision and amendment, to suit the progress and changes of the times. In those cases, any necessary meetings were held on certain Sunday afternoons specifically set aside for legislative purposes. The miners typically met in front of the general store, often reaching numbers of several hundred. The most respected man in the camp was generally selected to preside over the meeting. If a chair and table were handy they were used, but if there was a lack of the proper furniture, he might stand upon an empty pork-barrel or climb up into the back of a wagon, which gave him a commanding position looking down on the crowd. Another respected man with the necessary literary skills of reading and writing was appointed secretary, and he would place his writing materials on some flat surface alongside of the chairman. The chairman then, addressing the crowd, would then generally explain the object for which the meeting had been called. He would open the floor to hear any gentleman who had any remarks to offer on the topic at hand. Eventually someone would propose a specific amendment of the law relating to a certain description of claim, expressing the point in a very neat and specific speech. Once his motion was duly seconded, the chance was given for any opposition to make its case and provide further discussion. In time the matter was put to a vote. If the chairman declared the change carried by the ayes, the secretary would write it all down, and it became the law of that district. Normally two or three other acts were considered and voted upon, and when the business was concluded, a vote of thanks to the chairman was passed for his supervision of the meeting. The meeting was then officially declared to be dissolved, and the crowd accordingly dribbled into the nearest bar, where the legislators, in small detachments, pledged success to each other with whiskey as fast as the storekeeper could pour the drinks. While the legislature was in session, however, everything was conducted with a serious demeanor and the utmost formality.

Establishing the Law During the California Gold Rush

When the miners could not come to any settlement of some dispute among themselves, they would leave the decision to a jury of miners. When a miner's court was to be held, a formal notice was accordingly sent to all the prospectors within two or three miles up and down the creek, requesting them to assemble at the claim in question on a certain afternoon. Although a miner calculates an hour lost as so much money out of his pocket, it was common that most of the residents would turn out as they were all interested in supporting the laws of the region. The two opposing parties then, having tossed up a coin for the first pick, would choose a number of jurymen each from the assembled crowd.

Then the jury would normally sit themselves all together in an exalted position on a heap of stones and dirt (as was common on the claims from the normal operations of digging). One of the plaintiffs, who had been chosen as spokesman for his party, would then make a speech, calling several witnesses to prove his statements, and citing the recognized laws of the diggings in support of his claims. The defendants would follow in the same manner, making the most of their version of the case. During this time, the general public, sitting in groups on the different heaps of stones piled up between the holes with which the ground was honeycombed, would smoke their pipes and watch the proceedings. After the plaintiff and defendant had each had their turn to say all they had to say about the matter, the miner's jury would examine the state of the ground which was in dispute. They would then call some more witnesses to give further information, which is much different from our modern procedures in which a jury may ask no questions. Once all the information was considered, those pioneers would put their shaggy heads together for a few minutes, and pronounce their decision.

It is hard to fault the simple wisdom and straightforward justice of the pioneer miners. Their methods established a fair, democratic and just way of handling the law without the formality, expense and endless delays of the systems that we have now. In time, the normal trappings of civilization came to the hills and the prospector's laws were done away with. I am not so sure that the changes which came with "civilization" were any kind of an improvement.

Establishing the Law During the California Gold Rush

For more tales of the life, hopes and the humor of California's Gold Rush, see California Gold Rush

Basic information on Prospecting for gold, including how to get started, can be found at: Gold Prospecting

Chris Ralph writes on small scale mining and prospecting for the ICMJ Mining Journal. He has a degree in Mining Engineering from the Mackay School of Mines in Reno, and has worked for precious metal mining companies conducting both surface and underground operations. After working in the mining industry, he has continued his interest in mining as an individual prospector. His information page on prospecting for gold can be viewed at the website noted above.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Dangers of Drinking Every Day

Studies have shown that drinking red wine can be beneficial for an individual's health. These health benefits come from an antioxidant called resveratrol that comes from the skin of red grapes. Antioxidants like resveratrol are believed to promote good health, can have anti-aging effects, and help build a healthy heart. However, that is not all red wine is believed to do for personal health. Some scientists believe it also reduces personal risk for ovarian cancer, stroke and kidney stones and can also reduce the risk for heart disease because it contains an element that helps reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol that your body produces. Some studies point to the country of France as a good example - wine is very popular there and the country also has a low incidence of heart attacks.

Further, new research is also suggesting that white wine may be beneficial to individual health. Consuming red and/or white wines has now been linked to increased life expectancy - in some cases by as much as 5 years. These studies have only linked wine to these health benefits, however. There is no research to suggest that drinking beer or hard alcohol on a regular basis can be beneficial to personal health.

When incorporated with a balanced and healthy diet, drinking wine in moderation will benefit your health. They key word there is moderation. Most men should limit themselves to no more than two glasses of wine every day and women should stop after one glass. (a glass of wine is defined as about 5 ounces). Notice how this is not an "average" of one to two glasses a day. Do not think you can drink 10 glasses of wine in one day and avoid it for the rest of the week and have everything even out over time. That is not how it works. The health benefits are eliminated if and when you consume more than you should.

The Dangers of Drinking Every Day

You should also try to remain alcohol free for a few days every week. Drinking occasionally, in moderation, might be "good" for you, but you should avoid drinking every day "for the sake of your health." This can lead to other dangers, such as alcoholism, and can create problems with drinking and driving, which is never a good idea.

Also be aware that a regular drink or two can become a problem. The people that stagger out of bars and stumble home every night are not the only ones with drinking problems. While having a drink or two in the evenings can be good for your health, you also need to be sure that you do not overdo things. Drinking every night, even in moderation, can create dependency problems in some people and can lead to more alcohol consumption (more than 1 or 2 drinks) very easily. Being intoxicated can lead to things like drunk driving, DUI arrests, and other problems that may lead to a need for a DUI lawyer. Additionally, be aware that you can be arrested for driving while impaired in some places, even if you are under the legal limit, which also requires a DUI attorney for assistance with the case. So, if you do decide to take advantage of the health benefits that can be obtained from drinking red and white wine, make sure you do so responsible.

The Dangers of Drinking Every Day

Colin Daives writes general information articles about a number of legal topics that range from personal injury and civil rights to criminal law and DUI cases. Each state has different laws and every case is unique. His articles are not meant to be legal advice. To learn more or for assistance with your case in the state of Colorado, contact a Denver DUI lawyer or a Denver injury attorney today.

All About Vodka Brands

Like everything else in life, we want to know which is the 'best' vodka. Which vodka is most superior to others. And like everything else in life, we realize that there is no one single answer. For example, I use the latest Intel Pentium Core Duo Processor, as I require it to power my media center, on the other hand, my Grandfather still uses a 11 year old IBM Thinkpad with 4 MB RAM running Windows 3.11 with Wordpad!

Anyway, back to Vodka. Vodka is defined as a neutral spirit devoid of any distinct characteristics such as odour, taste or colour. Considering the above definition all vodkas should be the same and the brand shouldn't matter. This is true to some extent, in the sense, that the final product of all the brands are more or less similar to each other and while mixed in a blood mary, there is little or no discernable distinction between them. However, if you plan to have them as shots, on the rocks or in a martini, then you are well advised to consume a premium brand.

There are a lot of vodkas out there. And each one is trying to catch your eye, with refreshing marketing, stylish bottles and happening events. This is because of the above noted fact, that the product is more or less same, and hence, marketing plays a big role.

All About Vodka Brands

Okay. Now since we are clear about what vodka actually is, lets look at some of the brands. (If you are interested more about the history and other nuances of Vodka, read my article 'All About Vodka') I am not affiliated with any of them and I have no particular favourite among them either. So be assured that whatever is said herein is completely unbiased and in the best interest of vodka.

Lets start with the world best selling vodka. Remember, the phrase is 'best selling', it doesn't make the best vodka on the planet. I guess every vodka drinker knows it. Smirnoff. Smirnoff was the first American brand of Vodka, which was bought over from Vladimir Smirnov of Russia. The Smirnoff No. 21 is the most widely sold vodka in the world and is an extremely good example of classical vodka. It has little discerning character, and does not pamper you with slight flavours or a mellow follow through. If you don't like to think too much and are on a budget, this is the vodka to go for. Have it chilled and experience the Russian in you. Smirnoff also comes in blue and black labels which are of increasing strength. It has also launched numerous flavoured vodkas such as Green Apple Twist, Citrus Twist, Lemon Twist and many more. They are great to have in martinis and light cocktails.

Next up, Grey Groose. Now this is on that has had its fair share of Hollywood exposure. You can hear almost every celebrity asking for a Grey Goose Martini. This vodka brand is truly a marketing brilliance. Winter wheat being distilled with natural spring waters in a French Distillery is surely going to make some heads turn. It is this approach to vodka, that has made Grey Goose a brand to reckon with. But, nothing to be taken away, this is really great vodka to have in your martini. It comes in three flavours: L'Orange, Le Citron and La Vanille. The Citron is great to have in a Lemon Drop Martini.

The third among the most marketed brands is Absolut. This Swedish vodka has the one of the largest number of flavoured vodkas in the market. Its global marketing strategy seems to have paid off in recent times and is considered to be a truly superior vodka in many places in the world. Its neutral variety comes in blue and red labels with increasing strengths. The red bottle (50 % vol) is a really smooth spirit with almost no discernarable taste of its own. The blue bottle mixes extremely well with almost all mixers and makes it great in most cocktails. The flavoured varieties too are very good and for the adventurous there are no dearth of varieties to try from.

Now, lets move onto the lesser marketed, premium brands. I'll start with what most vodka drinkers and experts consider a truly great and 'almost perfect' vodka. Stolichnaya is what it claims to be "a true Russian vodka". It was founded at the Cristill Distillery in Moscow and is now manufactured in ex-Soviet republics (Kazakhstan and Ukraine). It is quadruple distilled though quartz sand and finally passed through a woven cloth, to give you a vodka free from any flavours or odours. This one is great to have on the rocks.

Next on the list is Belvedere. This is a Polish vodka. However, unlike other Polish vodka this one is made from rye rather than potatoes. The experts are always confused about this one. Many hold it in high regard, while others suggest that the other brands mentioned here, are far superior. For the record, I like it. Still one could argue that with so many different brands with better marketing and “brand appeal”, this vodka still leaves you with something to desire more from.

Our last entry on this discussion would be Belvedere's sibling: Chopin. However, unlike its sibling, Chopin is made from potatoes; the way authentic polish vodka should. Even though for many years, potato based vodkas have been frowned upon by Russians as inferior, the truth lies in the fact, that with the right distillery, whatever be the ingredient, you can produce superior vodka. And Chopin is a great example of the same. This vodka is crisp and has a sweet and sour green apple tinge to it. It's the only potato based vodka that is held with such high regard and just for this sake, I urge you to try it at least once. Your Polish experience will definitely be worth it.

There are some other lovely vodka brands as well. Vox, Ketel One, Three Olives and Jewel Of Russia are just a few to name. Vodka, like other spirits, is full of tradition and variety. And to cover all would be an arduous if not impossible task. I hope not to offend anybody with my views. They are mine and others may not agree. As I always maintain wines and spirits are very personal in nature. The best wine or spirit is always the one you enjoy most! With that I humbly conclude this article. Hope you enjoyed it, as much as I need writing it.

All About Vodka Brands

This article is written by Gautamm Mehra, a certified bartender and enthusiast. You can write to him at gautam [dot] mail [at] gmail [dot] com.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Health Advantages of Drinking Wine

One of the questions asked most frequently by my patients is whether wine is good for them. There is much controversy surrounding this subject lately and this is why. While research supports the benefits of drinking wine, particularly red, it also points out that heavy drinking will conversely be detrimental.

So when I am asked that question I explain that wine can be good for you in moderation and as part of an overall healthy diet. In other words the amount of wine you drink matters tremendously. If you drink more than what's recommended, your health benefits are lost and your health risks go up.

Here's what's considered safe and effective:

The Health Advantages of Drinking Wine

Men: No more than two drinks per day. Women: No more than one drink per day. One drink is defined as a 5-ounce glass of red or white wine. And no you cannot save up the one or two drinks per day and have them all on the weekend!

Why all the curiosity about wine's health benefits in the first place? The intrigue started in the 90's when baffled researchers launched a study of French people, trying to determine why they were not suffering from more heart attacks with diets so high in cheese fats.

The findings showed that it was due to their moderate and steady intake of wine. Long after this discovery, a bevy of research continued to support drinking wine for good health. The first studies show great health benefits from the healing powers of resveratrol, an antioxidant found in red grape skins and therefore in red wine. But now they're also finding just as many benefits from white wines.

All kinds of new findings are cropping up on a daily basis. Take a look at some of the most recent studies that boast the health advantages of wine:

Overall Health Benefits:

Anti-aging effects in red grape skins (Harvard Medical School in Boston, 2004) Reduced risk of death from nearly all causes: According to studies from France, UK, Finland and Denmark, moderate consumption of wine is more beneficial than that of beer or spirits. Kidney stones: Red wine intake reduces the risk of kidney stone formation. Cancer cells killed by protein in red grape skins (University of Virginia Health System, 2004)

Heart Health Benefits:

Scientists believe the red wine reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by reducing production of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and boosting high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Coronary heart disease reduced (University of California, Davis, 1995) Arteries kept clean by polyphenols in red grape skins (William Harvey Research Institute, 2002) Atherosclerosis: Red wine may prevent the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis (hardening or "furring" of the arteries). Both the alcohol and polyphenols in the red wine appear to favorably maintain healthy blood vessels by promoting the formation of nitric oxide (NO), the key chemical relaxing factor that plays an important role in the regulation of vascular tone.

Women's Health Benefits:

Decreased ovarian cancer risk (The Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Australia, 2004) Stronger bones (Twin Research and Genetic Epidemiology Unit, St. Thomas' Hospital in London, 2004) Lower risk of stroke (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2001)

Men's Health Benefits:

Lower risk of heart attack for men with high blood pressure (Worcester Medical Center in Massachusetts, 2004) Hypertension: There is some evidence of favorable effects of red wine on blood pressure. Two glasses of red wine (250 ml); taken together with the meal, lower post-meal blood pressure in hypertensive perrsons.

It's great to discover that something you enjoy could actually be healthy. However, I do not recommend that my patients over indulge just because the news is good. A word of caution worth repeating; overdoing anything is a recipe for disaster and can lead to even bigger health issues". That said, go ahead and enjoy your glass of wine tonight knowing that it is a healthy choice of beverage!

Mark Rosenberg, M.D. Institute For Healthy Aging

The Health Advantages of Drinking Wine
